2020 International Symposium on New Energy and Electrical Technology(ISNEET 2020)
Home / Inviting

Dear Sir/Madam,

  Academic Exchange Information Centre, abbreviated as AEIC, is a professional academic conferences organizer co-founded by universities, research institutes and enterprises in China and abroad. Dedicated to initiatives to boost spread of science information, exchange among researchers, exploration of social hot topics and sharing of knowledge, AEIC has, since 2014, organized 300 international academic conferences, drawing an audience of 50000. AEIC conferences cover a wide spectrum of research areas, including energy and environment, computer science, electronic information engineering, hydraulic and civil engineering, mechanical engineering and automation, materials and manufacturing engineering, bioengineering, earth science, economics, management and finance, arts and social sciences.

  To extend the influence of academic conferences and advance exchange among researchers, we cordially invite researchers and scientists specializing in diverse fields to the conferences of AEIC. Invited guests will enjoy sponsorship and support from AEIC. Detailed support and the application form are presented in the attached “AEIC Invitation”. Below is the list of conferences coming soon, and your presence will be an honor to us!

June 12-14, 2020Qingdao, China2020 International Workshop on Electronic communication and Artificial Intelligence(IWECAI 2020)
July 17-19, 2020
Dali, China2020 6th International Conference on Energy Science and Chemical Engineering (ICESCE 2020)
Auguest 7-9, 2020
Shanghai, China2020 International Conference on Energy Saving and Environmental Protection and Civil Engineering(ESEPCE2020)

Download:AEIC Invitation


        AEIC学术交流中心是由多所国内外高校、科研院所和企业联合创建的一个优秀的国际学术会议品牌,简称AEIC。AEIC致力于科技信息的传播、学者科研交流、社会热点深剖、生活科普分享等与学术相关的交流活动,自2014年起、已成功举办300场国际学术会议,参与人数突破50000人次。会议主题涵括能源与环境、计算机科学、电子信息工程、水利土木工程、机械自动化、材料与制造技术、生物工程、地球科学、经管金融、人文社科等主流学科。AEIC以“忠于学术、服务学者”为理念,秉承“专业、专心、专注” 的学术服务精神,为学术交流提供更多活动支持,让学术交流更简单。


2020年06月12日-14日青岛2020年电子通信与人工智能国际研讨会(IWECAI 2020)
